Note for Reviewers This work has been submitted for open review as an iGEM Report. Reviewers, please consider the following questions when…
Biology & Life Sciences iGEM REPORT: Characterization of Azotobacter vinelandii and Kits for Its Synthetic Biology Applications
Biology & Life Sciences iGEM REPORT: Application of RNA thermometers in gene circuits
Note for Reviewers This work has been submitted for open review as an iGEM Report. Reviewers, please consider the following questions when…
Medicine & Health Sciences UPDATE – Leishmaniasis: Call for papers for PLOS WorldLeish-6 Collection
UPDATE: CALL FOR PAPERS FOR WORLDLEISH-6 EXTENDED TO PLOS PATHOGENS Dr Jorge Alvar, Head of Leishmaniasis, DNDi, and Dr Javier Moreno, Director…
Biology & Life Sciences iGEM REPORT: Termite Terminator: Genetically modified toxin protein expression systems with cellulose nano-crystal delivery carriers for trapping termites based on trophallaxis
Note for Reviewers This work has been submitted for open review as an iGEM Report. Reviewers, please consider the following questions when…
Medicine & Health Sciences The Importance of Detecting Sporadic Norovirus Cases in the Community
Collection authors Miren Iturriza-Gómara and John Harris on the importance of detecting sporadic norovirus cases in the community Norovirus infects people of all ages…
Medicine & Health Sciences Why doesn’t everyone get sick with winter vomiting disease?
Collection authors Lennart Svensson, Johan Nordgren & Sumit Sharma ask why everyone doesn’t get sick with winter vomiting disease? The observation that certain individuals appear…
Medicine & Health Sciences What Factors Protect Against Norovirus Infection and Gastroenteritis?
Sasirekha Ramani, Mary Estes and Robert Atmar, from Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA, discuss genetic factors and immune mechanisms that can protect…
Medicine & Health Sciences Norovirus – a tragedy of being common
Ben Lopman, lead author of the PLOS Collection “The Global Burden of Norovirus & Prospects for Vaccine Development,” introduces the project and explains…
Medicine & Health Sciences What’s Norovirus Costing The World?
Author Bruce Y. Lee discusses the global economic burden of norovirus, as reported in the PLOS Collection “The Global Burden of Norovirus…
Medicine & Health Sciences Beyond investing: Making global health a reality for all
Post authored by Liza Gross At what point is it no longer acceptable for the richest nations in the world to let…
Biology & Life Sciences PLOS iGEM Collection – Open For Submissions
PLOS is pleased to announce that submissions from the iGEM 2015 Jamboree can now be made to the PLOS iGEM Collection. The…
Biology & Life Sciences PLOS iGEM Collection – Reviewer Instructions
Submissions to the PLOS iGEM Collection will be posted for open review on the PLOS Collections blog and reviews will be posted…