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PLOS Neuroscience Collection

Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system and is an interdisciplinary biological science that extends across multiple fields including chemistry, computer science, engineering, linguistics, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, physics, and psychology. Neuroscience involves various approaches to the study of the molecular, cellular, computational, systems, and cognitive aspects of the nervous system, using techniques from molecular and cellular studies of individual nerve cells to neuroimaging of complex human behaviors.

This collection represents a first step in gathering under easily identifiable rubrics some of the most recent neuroscience research published across the PLOS journals. The Collection has been organized into broad categories in response to the commonly articulated request from our users that we provide more structured and efficient access to papers of interest in the PLOS corpus. The first two categories in this collection – Cognitive Neuroscience and Brain Mapping Methods – account for 15% – 20% of all neuroscience research, and are arranged into sections such as Memory, Social Cognition, Human Electrophysiology and Connectomics.

Articles in the Neuroscience Collection date from January 2012 onwards and are presented in order of publication date. New articles will be added as they are published on a regular basis.

PLOS welcomes submissions in this field. For more information on submitting to the Neuroscience Collection, contact PLOS Collections

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